
2022/2023 Newsletter No. 1

6 Jan 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Annual General Meeting 2022
  2. Executive Committee and Co-opted Members 2022/2023
  3. Task Groups 2022/2023
  4. Ad-hoc Committees 2022/23
  5. HKAHSS Retreat for Members 2022-2023
  6. In-house Professional Sharing 《校長集思會》on 12th January, 2023
  7. SRL Festival and Joint School Teacher Development Day

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year of 2023!  In this first newsletter of the year, I would like to extend the warmest regards from the Executive Committee to you and wish you all good health and a fruitful year ahead.  Besides, I would like to inform you of the following:

1. Annual General Meeting 2022
In the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 1st December, 2022, our keynote speakers, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing Leung, GBS, JP (張炳良教授), Secretary for Transport and Housing from 2012 to 2017 and The Honourable Mrs. Regina Ip Lau Suk Yee, GBM, GBS, JP (葉劉淑儀議員), Convenor of the Executive Council and a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, shared their views on the topic “Cultivating Talent for Hong Kong: Inheritance, Innovation, Ingenuity” 為香港培育人才:承傳、創新,突破 with the participants.  Their sharing and Mr. Michael Wong Wai Yu’s closing remarks helped us reflect on what kinds of talents would be needed in the future and how we could equip our youngsters to fulfil the requirements of “new professionals”. The AGM was well-received.  We are very grateful for your continuous support and trust.

2.Executive Committee and Co-opted Members 2022/2023
The Executive Committee members met immediately after the AGM and the various posts were filled by election at the meeting. We have also invited some colleagues to help with the various task groups.  Below is the list for your reference:

Post Name School
Honorary Executive Secretary Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Honorary Company Secretary Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Chairman Mr. Lin Chun Pong
HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
Vice Chairmen Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Fanling Kau Yan College
Honorary Secretaries Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
St. Rose of Lima’s College
Honorary Treasurer Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
Committee Members Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
可立中學 (嗇色園主辦)
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
Co-opted members Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella
Po Kok Secondary School
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
Mr. Mak Man Chiu
Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
Task Group members Mr. Chau Hau Fung
Mr. Cheng Yuen Shan, Vincent
Jockey Club Ti-I College
Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms. Ho Suk Yin, Cherry
CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
Mr. Kam Wai Ming, Stanley
HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School
Sr. Kwok Ming Ying, Anita
DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
Mr. Lau Chun Wah, Simon
United Christian College
Dr. Lau Sui Yee, Zoe
Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College
Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Mr. Leung Kwok Kei
HKMA K S Lo College
Mr. Li Chi Man, Jimmy
TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College
Ms. Li Toi Wah, Dora
Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School
Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace
Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy

3. Task Groups 2022/2023
The Executive Committee set up the following Task Groups to monitor, address and resolve various issues, and to take action where appropriate. We believe that will foster our professionalism.  We need the participation of and contribution from our members and gratefully welcome your input.  Please contact the Convenor of each Task Group directly for information.

a. Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP)
Convenors: Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Members: Prof. Magdalena Mok (Advisor)
Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Mr. Leung Kwok Kei
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Mr. Mak Man Chiu
b. Communication Support
Convenor: Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Member: Ms. Lee Suet Ying
c. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Convenors: Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
Members: Mr. Kam Wai Ming, Stanley
Sr. Kwok Ming Ying, Anita
Mr. Lau Chun Wah, Simon
Dr. Lau Sui Yee, Zoe
Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
d. Curriculum Review and Development (CRD)
Convenors: Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Members: Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella
Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel
Mr. Cheng Yuen Shan, Vincent
Mr. Li Chi Man, Jimmy
Ms Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
e. Events
Convenor: Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Member: Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace
f. Policy and Strategic Planning (P&SP)
Convenors: Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Members: Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
g. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
Convenors: Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Members: Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella
Mr. Chau Hau Fung
Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms. Ho Suk Yin, Cherry
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Ms. Li Toi Wah, Dora

4. Ad-hoc Committees 2022/23
Facing the various challenging hot issues, the Executive Committee set up the following Ad-hoc Committees to have more comprehensive study of the issues, aiming to work with you together to find the ways:

a. Education Platform: Treading along the Education Path
Convenor: Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Members: Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
b. Student Population
Convenor: Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Members: Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
c. HKAHSS 60th Anniversary
Convenor: Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Members: Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace

5. HKAHSS Retreat for Members 2022-2023
The Retreat for Members titled “A Secondary School Principal, Me at this moment” 《中學校長,此時此刻的我》 was successfully held on 19th December, 2022.  Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael, our Honorary Executive Secretary, was the speaker and the facilitator.  His insightful sharing led the participants to reflect on the professional role of principals. The Retreat also provided us an opportunity to focus on the essentials and map out the way ahead with a clearer mind.

6. In-house Professional Sharing 《校長集思會》on 12th January, 2023
The recent discussion on the “structural” decline in student population has caused social and school concern about the effects on education in Hong Kong.  “More Than Soft-Landing – Our Professional Thoughts on Quality of Education” 《軟著着陸以外 – 優質教育的追求》will be the main focus of our In-house Professional Sharing to be held from 3:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. on 12th January, 2023 (Thursday) at S.K.H. St. Mary’s Church Mok Hing Yiu College.  We hope that we can brainstorm on the issue of student population and discuss the short-term, interim and long-term solutions for it.  If you have not registered for this event yet, please click the following link ( and join us.

7. SRL Festival and Joint School Teacher Development Day
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Task Group and initiatives.  The Open Class (2nd Round) will be held from February 2023 to April 2023 whereas the climax will be the Teacher Professional Development Day titled “Looking Back and Ahead” 《回顧與展望》 held from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. on 10th February, 2023 (Friday) at Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen).  Our keynote speaker, Dr. Wan Wai Yan (溫慧欣博士), Professional Consultant, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, CUHK, will share with us on “(Re-)Creating Spaces for Learning: From Leadership to Differentiated Instruction” 《(重新)創造學習空間:從領導到適異性》.  Please do not miss this opportunity and click HERE ( for the relevant information.  To enrol, kindly fill in this google form ( by 16th January, 2023 (Monday).  We look forward to seeing you there.

Perhaps this year is another challenging year, yet we can still support and encourage each other so that we can have the strength to work for the best of Hong Kong education.


Please stay tuned for the HKAHSS news.

Lin Mau Tong. Kitty

Honorary Secretary