
Zoom Online Retreat 2020: Unprecedented Challenges 《從未如此經歷過》… Part 1

21 September 2020 (4:00-6:00p.m.)

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, we have originally planned to hold a retreat for members in May but this could not be materialized due to COVID-19. As the pandemic is still severe, we are organizing an Online Zoom Retreat on 21 September 2020 (4:00-6:00p.m.) instead. We have invited Rev. Fr. Kwan Tsun Tong Thomas, a Catholic priest, to lead us through his input, quiet time and sharing to ponder upon our role as an administrator, a pastor so as to get along with ourselves and at the same time still hold onto the true values and beliefs in the field of education. The retreat will resolutely provide you with good food for thought, reflection and encouragement which you should not miss. Please click HERE for details and registration.
We still hope to organize an in-person retreat later when the situation becomes more stable.