Annual ConferenceInformation

Annual Conference 2024

The Hong Kong Association of Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) held its Annual Conference 2024 at the Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School on 6th June, 2024. The event was attended by over fifty school principals. In his opening remarks, Chairman Lin Chun Pong provided a concise overview of the HKAHSS’s upcoming initiatives. These include the continuous promotion of self-regulated learning, the provision of staff development services, the publication of principals’ reflections on “Lessons learnt from COVID-19”, and the Association’s 60th Anniversary Mainland Tour.


The keynote speaker, Mr. Wong Kam Sing, former Secretary for the Environment, delivered a talk titled “Go Green: Municipal Solid Waste Charging and Reflection on Green Living.” He emphasized the urgency of environmental protection, highlighted the updated targets of some Asian countries, and shared insights into the progress and room for improvement regarding local environmental protection efforts. Mr. Wong encouraged the school principals to nurture their students in practicing environmental protection.


In the session “Basic Law Article 23 Legislation: Useful Tips for the Principals’ Attention,” Mr. Paul Lam Ting Kwok, Secretary for Justice, discussed the foci and directions for schools when implementing national security education and teaching about Article 23. He underscored the importance of students understanding the rationale behind the Article and the definition of the law-forbidden acts, and suggested ways for teachers to help students comprehend these complex legal concepts.


The conference concluded with the hope that all attendees had gained valuable insights for shaping the future of education.