
2021/2022 Newsletter No. 1

6 January 2022

2021/2022 Newsletter No. 1

Table of Contents

1. Annual General Meeting (2021)
Executive Committee and Co-opted Members 2021/2022
Task Groups for 2021/2022
Membership Drive

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year of 2022! In this first newsletter of the year, I would like to extend the warmest regards from the Executive Committee to you and wish you all good health and a fruitful year ahead. Besides, I would like to inform you of the following.


Annual General Meeting (2021)

In the Annual General Meeting held on 1 December 2021, our keynote speakers, The Honourable Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBM, GBS, JP (陳智思議員), Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council, and Professor Mok Ka Ho Joshua ( 家豪教授), Vice President, Lingnan University, shared their views on the topic “Colloquy on Education: Opportunities and Challenges” 《從教 熱話中 如何看 港教 的危機、良機、 契機……》with participants. Besides, Professor Ho Sui Chu Esther (何瑞珠 教授) shared with us the initial findings about the Survey “Student Withdrawal from School and Teacher Turnover” we conducted earlier in collaboration with Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Survey Report has been published and uploaded onto the Association website. You may visit our website or scan the QR code to read it. In the AGM, we also made amendments to our Articles of Association. The AGM was wellreceived. We are very grateful for your continuous support and trust.


Executive Committee and Co-opted Members 2021/2022

The Executive Committee members met immediately after AGM and the various posts were filled by election at the meeting. We have also invited some colleagues to help with the various task groups. The complete list is attached as follows for your reference.

Post Name School
Honorary Executive Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Secretary 黃謂儒先生
Honorary Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Company Secretary 羅紹明先生
Chairman Mr. Lin Chun Pong HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
連鎮邦先生 香港青年協會李兆基書院
Vice Chairman Dr. Lau Yiu Hung Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
劉瑤紅博士 潔心林炳炎中學
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica Fanling Kau Yan College
邱潔瑩女士 粉嶺救恩書院
Honorary Secretary Ms. Chan Shin Kwan SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
陳倩君女士 聖公會聖三一堂中學
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
彭惠蘭女士 可立中學 (嗇色園主辦)
Honorary Treasurer Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
鄭繼霖先生 浸信會永隆中學
Committee Members Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel United Christian College (Kowloon East)
鄭建德博士 基書院(東九龍)
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty St. Rose of Lima’s College
練茂棠女士 聖羅撒書院
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
溫家傑先生 浸信會呂明才中學
Co-opted Members Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella Po Kok Secondary School
陳淑雯女士 寶覺中學
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
梁潔妍女士 沙田崇真中學
Mr. Li Chi Lam, Gary Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School
李志霖先生 嶺南衡怡紀念中學
Mr. Mak Man Chiu Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
麥敏潮先生 嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學
Task Group Members Mr. Chau Hau Fung
Mr. Cheng Yuen Shan, Jockey Club Ti-I College
Vincent 賽馬會體藝中學
Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms Ho Suk Yin, Cherry CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
何淑妍女士 香港中文大學校友會聯會陳震夏中學
Sister Kwok Ming Ying, DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
Anita 天主教母佑會蕭明中學
Mr. Lau Chun Wah, Simon United Christian College
劉振華先生 基書院
Dr. Lau Sui Yee Tsuen Wan Pub Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College
劉瑞儀博士 荃灣公立何傳耀紀念中學
Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Mr. Leung Kwok Kei HKMAK S Lo College
梁國基先生 香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學
Ms. Li Toi Wah, Dora Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School
李玳華女士 天主教普照中學
Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying,
Mr. Tang Chun Keung,
Mr. Wong Chung Leung, CCC Kwei Wah Shan College
Ringo 中華基督教會桂華山中學
3. Task Groups for 2021/2022
The Executive Committee set up the following Task Groups to monitor, address, and resolve various issues, and to take action where appropriate. We believe that will foster our professionalism.

We need the participation of and contribution from our members and gratefully welcome your input. Please contact the Convenor of each Task Group directly for information.

a. Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP)

Convenors : Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Members : Prof. Magdalena Mok (Advisor)
Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Mr. Mak Man Chiu
b. Collaboration with Universities

Convenors : Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Members : Ms. Lee Suet Ying
c. Communication Support

Convenors : Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
Members : Ms. Lee Suet Ying
d. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Convenors : Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
Members       : Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Sister Kwok Ming Ying, Anita
Mr. Lau Chun Wah, Simon
Dr. Lau Sui Yee
Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Mr. Li ChiLam, Gary
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
e. Curriculum Review and Development (CRD)

Convenors : Lee Suet Ying
Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
Members         : Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella
Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel
Mr. ChengYuen Shan, Vincent
Dr. Ho Sai Mun,Stanley
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
Mr. WanKa Kit, Andy
f. Events

Convenors : Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Members : Ms. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace
g. Policy and Strategic Planning (P&SP)

Convenors : Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Members  : Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
h. Research and Development (R&D

Convenors      : Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
Members        : Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel
Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Mr. Leung Kwok Kei
Mr. Li Chi Lam, Gary
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
Mr. TangChun Keung, Teddy
i. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Convenors : Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica
Members : Ms. Chan Shuk Man, Ella
Mr. Chau Hau Fung
Ms. HoSuk Yin, Cherry
Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms.Leung Kit Yin, Irene
Ms. Li Toi Wah, Dora
Mr. Mak Man Chiu
Mr. Wong Chung Leung, Ringo
4. Membership Drive
The annual membership drive is now under way. We would like to invite members to renew their membership with us. New principals are most welcome to join us as full members while we equally value the participation of Vice-principals, retired principals and former principals in our Association. To subscribe, please click the link below, fill out the membership form and return it together with a cheque to us. Thank you for your support.

Full/ Associate Membership Registration Form (For Principals and Deputy/Vice/Assistant Principals)

Life/Affiliated Membership Registration Form (For retired principals and former principals)

Perhaps this year is another challenging year, yet we can still support and encourage each other so that wecan have the strength to work for the best of Hong Kong education.

Please stay tuned for the HKAHSS news.

Pang Wai Lan Helena

Honorary Secretary