
2019/2020 Newsletter No.1

27 February 2020

Table of Contents
1. Annual General Meeting (2019/20)
2. Membership Drive and Membership List
3. Executive Committee and Co-opted Members
4. Task Groups for 2019/2020
5. HKAHSS Representatives in different Education Organizations or Institutes
6. Press Conference on “Survey on the Curriculum Reform: From Present to the Future”
7. Response to Various Educational Issues
8. Self-regulated Learning (SRL)
9. Helpline for Members
10. Research on “How to promote the Professional Status and Social Recognition of Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong”
11. Retreat 2020 for Members
12. Impact of the Recent Social Incidents on Schools
13. 2020 Annual Conference

Dear Colleagues,

In this first newsletter of the year, I would like to extend the warmest regards from the Executive Committee to you.  These are trying times for all schools and Hong Kong.  We would like to wish you all a healthy and fruitful year ahead.

I would like to inform you of the following:

  1. Annual General Meeting (2019/20)
    The Annual General Meeting held on 3 December 2019 was well-received with 149 members participating. Thank you very much for your continuous support.We were very happy to have invited Professor Lee Lap Fung, Francis, Director of School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to share with us his research and insights on the topic “The Leaderless Generation” (無大台新世代).  It is a very timely and interesting topic and received enthusiastic responses from participants. Please click HERE for the draft minutes of the AGM. If you have any comments and suggestions for amendments, please do contact me at 2322 2229 or send your email to
  2. Membership Drive and Membership List
    At present we have 320 Full members, 12 Associate members, 56 Life members and 7 Affiliated members, making a total of 395 members. Your warm and continuous support for the Association is highly appreciated. We strive to include every colleague who is interested in the Association and shares our mission and vision. If you know of any colleague, including your vice principals and assistant principals, who is not yet a Full member or an Associate member, please invite him/her to join us. Application forms could be downloaded from our website ( updated Membership List is available on our website. If you choose not to have your contact information made available on our website, please let me know.
  1. Executive Committee and Co-opted Members
    The Executive Committee members met immediately after the AGM and the various posts were filled by election at the meeting. We have also invited some colleagues to help with the various task groups. The complete list is attached as follows for your reference.


Post Name School
Honorary Executive Secretary Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael
Honorary Resources Adviser Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth
Chairman Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
The HKMA K S Lo College
Vice-chairmen Dr. Lau Yiu Hung
Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School
Mr. Lin Chun Pong
HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
Hon. Secretaries Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
Ho Lap College (Sponsored by the Sik Sik Yuen)
可立中學 (嗇色園主辦) 
Hon. Treasurer Ms. YAU Kit Ying, Veronica
Fanling Kau Yan College
Committee members Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe
Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
The Church of Christ in China Kei Long College
Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
Co-opted members Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel
United Christian College (Kowloon East)
Dr. Cheng  Lai Lam, Felix
CCC Kei Yuen College
Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty
St. Rose of Lima’s College
Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace
St. Margaret’s Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School
Task Group members Ms. Chan Shuk Man
Po Kok Secondary School
Mr. Chau Hau Fung
Mr. Fung Chi Tak
Christ College
Ms. Fung Yun Yee
Ng Yuk Secondary School
Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley
Ms. Ho Suk Yin
CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
Sister Kwok Ming Ying, Anita
DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
Ms. Lee Suet Ying
Ms. Leung Kit Yin
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
Mr. Li Chi Lam, Gary
Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School
Mr. Mak Man Chiu
Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen)
Mr. Wong Hoi Cheuk
Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School
Sister Wong May May

  1. Task Groups for 2019/2020
    The Executive Committee set up the following Task Groups to monitor, address, and resolve various issues, and to take action where appropriate. We believe that will foster our professionalism.
    We need the participation of and contribution from our members and gratefully welcome your input. Please contact the Convener of each Task Group directly for information, comments, suggestions and participation.
      1. Adaptive Learning Project (ALP)
        Prof. Magdalena Mok (Advisor), Mr. Wong Wai Yu, Michael (Convener),
        Ms. Lee Suet Ying (Convener), Ms. Chan Shin Kwan, Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe,
        Dr. Cheng Lai Lam, Felix, Mr. Lin Chun Pong, Vincent, Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy,
        Mr. Mak Man Chiu
      2.  Communication Support
        Ms. Chan Shin Kwan (Convener), Mr. Wong Wai Yu Michael (Convener)
      3. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
        Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu Ruth (Convener), Mr. Cheng Kai Lam, Joe (Convener),
        Mr. Fung Chi Tak, Sister Kwok Ming Ying, Anita, Dr. Lau Yiu Hung, Mr. Li Chi Lam,
        Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena, Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy, Sister Wong May May
      4. Curriculum Review and Development (CRD)
        Ms. Lee Suet Ying (Convener), Mr. Lin Chun Pong, Vincent (Convener),
        Ms. Chan Shin Kwan, Dr. Cheng Kin Tak, Samuel, Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley,
        Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty, Mr. Wan Ka Kit, Andy, Mr. Wong Hoi Cheuk
      5. Events
        Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica (Convener), Mrs. Tam Cheung Kit Ying, Grace  
      6. Research and Development (R&D)
        Mrs. Lee Shek Yuk Yu, Ruth (Convener), Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena (Convener),
        Dr. Lau Yiu Hung, Ms. Lee Suet Ying, Mr. Lin Chun Pong, Vincent,
        Ms. Lin Mau Tong, Kitty, Mr. Lo Shiu Ming, Tommy
      7. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
        Mr. Chau Hau Fung (Convener), Dr. Lau Yiu Hung (Convener), Ms. Chan Shuk Man,
        Dr. Cheng Lai Lam, Felix, Ms. Fung Yun Yee, Ms. Ho Suk Yin, Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley,
        Ms. Leung Kit Yin, Mr. Mak Man Chiu, Ms. Yau Kit Ying, Veronica

  1. HKAHSS Representatives in different Education Organizations or Institutes
Organization Name
Joint Committee of the Secondary School Councils and Secondary School Principals’ Association of 18 Districts Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
Secondary School Places Allocation Committee Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
The Council on Professional Conduct in Education Ms. Lee Suet Ying
EDB’s Principal’s Liaison Meeting for 334 Mr. Tang Chun Keung, Teddy
Mr. Lin Chun Pong, Vincent
HKEAA’s Advisory Committee on Public Examinations Administration Ms. Chan Shin Kwan
EDB’s Integrated Education Task Force Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
Respect Our Teachers Campaign Ms. Pang Wai Lan, Helena
Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Mr. Lo Shiu Ming,Tommy
A.S. Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards Mr. Fung Chi Tak
eCitizenship Knowledge Exchange Advisory Committee Dr. Lau Yiu Hung

  1. Press Conference on “Survey on the Curriculum Reform: From Present to the Future”
    HKAHSS and the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment (HKCISA) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly held a press conference on 16 January 2020 to publicize the research findings of the “Survey on the Curriculum Reform: From Present to the Future”. The survey reveals a majority of Hong Kong educators agree that the most important aim of the future secondary curriculum is to improve students’ transversal and transformative competencies and generic skills and to strengthen life education and values education.
    In September 2019, 183 principals and 1,158 teachers from 213 secondary schools were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey, in which their opinions on the effects, implementation and difficulties of the existing secondary curriculum policy, and their views about the need for a future curriculum were collected. Suggestions on the development of a future curriculum from the professional perspective of educators, as well as a review of educators’ opinions on the existing curriculum and its implications for developing capabilities were made.
    The current international trend emphasises the training of soft power and the cultivation of values in students. Such a direction coincides with the survey findings and echoes the common vision presented by speakers at the Education Colloquium 2019 organised by the HKAHSS a few months ago.
    The survey report and relevant power point slides have been uploaded to our website. For details, please visit:
    課程改革的調查研究――從現在到未來 研究報告
  2. Response to Various Educational Issues
    As fervent advocates of professionalism and education polices for the welfare of our students, we have been keeping very close watch and take proactive steps in this regard. We have sent the following letters to the government in the last few months and they are uploaded onto our Association website (with English translated version) for members’ reference.
    1. Our letter to the Chief Executive with regard to our views on the Policy Address 2019.
    2. Responses to the Consultation Document of the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum (Consultation Document) 回應「學校課程檢討專責小組」諮詢文件 (2019_10_16)

Should members have any views on other educational issues, please feel free to contact the Chairman or any members of the Executive Committee.

  1. Self-regulated Learning (SRL)
    In view of the Education Bureau’s (EDB) announcement of class suspension due to the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19, our Joint-school Self-regulated Learning (SRL) Professional Development Day on 14th February 2020 has been cancelled. Health and safety is our top priority.
    For the five groups under SRL 3.0 Lesson Study Project which include Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Economics and Liberal Studies, we will share their findings and learning experiences after the resumption of classes. The selfless participation of colleagues involved would certainly foster the professional development of all. More details are expected to be announced in May.
    Undeterred by challenges related to school suspension, we will hold a Real-time on-line professional Sharing on 3 March 2020 (from 2:30 to 4:30p.m.) on real-time teaching and learning. Miss Veronica Yau and her teachers from Fanling Kau Yan College will share their valuable experiences on the following: (1) School Administration and Teachers’ training; (2) Core Learning Platform; (3) Supporting Platforms and Apps; (4) Live-streamed Lessons; and (5) Common problems and possible strategies. Please click HERE for more details. You are most welcome to join. Please register by 2 March 2020 noon if you are interested.
  2. Helpline for Members
    A new project: “Helpline for members” which is expected to provide more personal service to our members was launched in the AGM on 3 December. Besides technical or practical difficulties encountered by members with regard to their school work, it is much hoped that the Helpline will cater for deeper levels of needs which are psychological and emotional. Helpers will play a role similar to that of companion (同行者). In very challenging times like the last few months, it would be good to develop a supporting network. In the meantime, a pool of professionals might be built up to cater for some practical issues if further development for support to members will be considered.
    We are glad that some members have registered for and tried the service. All members who finds the needs are welcome and more information is available in our Association website. Alternatively, simply click HERE for information and registration.
  3. Research on “How to promote the Professional Status and Social Recognition of Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong”
    Our Association has commissioned The Hong Kong Policy Research Institute to conduct a survey titled “How to promote the Professional Status and Social Recognition of Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong”. The survey questionnaires were already sent to schools in early January for school principals, two senior teachers and 2 for newly-appointed teachers to fill in. We would like to express our gratitude for those who have helped return the completed questionnaires. If you have not yet sent them back, your early action will be much appreciated. This will certainly facilitate and expedite our data analysis process.
    In view of school suspension and there is difficulty in completely and returning the questionnaires through mail, you and your 4 colleagues may also choose to fill in the questionnaire online at the following links:

    Despite this, our priority is to get returns through mail. Also, there is no need for you to fill in the questionnaires on-line if the hard copies have been returned. We also understand that it is not easy to invite parents to do an on-line survey during this period. So please do not feel obliged if dissemination is not yet made.
  4. Retreat 2020 for Members
    We have planned to hold a one-day retreat for members on 28/5/2020 (Thursday). The proposed theme will be related to horizon broadening of principals so that we will be able to build up leadership and professional image in schools. From past experiences, members who have participated in the previous retreats have enjoyed the inspiring sharing, quiet time for reflection and rejuvenation of mind, body and spirit. You are therefore greatly encouraged to save the date and join. Despite our good will, we will keep close watch of the development of the fight against COVID-19 as well as the challenges brought along by social incidents.  More information will be released soon.
  5. Impact of the Recent Social Incidents on Schools
    Ever since June 2019, schools face various challenges brought along by the social dissension related to the Extradition Bill. Besides the disruption of the normal school operation, we have to deal with students, staff, parents and even alumni who might hold different views. Some might even face with challenges when students or teachers are arrested. The EDB’s handling of complaints against education workers have also caused much concerns and social debates as well.
    In this regard, the Executive Committee and Task Group members held a retreat on 22 January 2020 to deliberate on various issues that we are much concerned about. Also, special ad hoc task groups have been set up to follow these issues, one of which is related to the EDB’s handling of complaints against education workers. In view of this, a letter from the Association was sent on 26 February 2020 to Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, the Secretary for Education, expressing our great concern over this matter (click HERE to read the letter). If you have encountered any such challenges and would like to share your experiences or seek assistance, please do contact us. To facilitate communication, please click the link to fill out the google form if you have experiences to share. While we are not experts in the relevant areas, we would very much like to keep our colleagues company in this challenging period.
    As we also care for the stress amongst students and colleagues during this period, we are deliberating what we can help in this area as well.
  6. 2020 Annual Conference
    This year, our Annual Conference is scheduled to be held in June with details to be released in due course.

While this is indeed a very challenging period to us all, our bonding and mutual support will still be most encouraging and nourishing to keep our spirits high. Do stay in touch and I will write again soon.

Pang Wai Lan, Helena

Honorary Secretary