
HKAHSS’s Expectations for Hong Kong Education – Written in the election of Chief Executive in 2017


MingPao 28-Feb-2017

Written in the election of Chief Executive in 2017 中文原文

In the 2017 Chief Executive Election, we are pleased to see all candidates have shown concerns over the education in Hong Kong. They have even pledged for more resources for education. With regard to this, we would like to express our concerns and propose suggestion for the betterment of Hong Kong education.

Ecology of the Education and School System
Increasing number of affluent parents have been sending their children to study overseas. This indicates the doubt over whether the system could accommodate the needs of students with diverse learning styles and abilities. It is therefore important for the Chief Executive elect and the government to review on how to maintain diversities in education provisions with the ample opportunities to develop students’ individuality. At the same time, it is important to ensure the openness, fairness and equity of the local education system. Besides, we should not overlook the tremendous stress and burden upon teachers due to the consistent drop in the number of students which has led to the instability in the regular teaching posts, and not to mention the Education Reform in 2000. It would be desirable to the government to provide more regular teaching posts to maintain a safe and stable environment that will foster quality education provisions. Recognition for teachers’ professional status should also be enhanced as well.

Curriculum Development and Assessment
The main components in the Education Reform in 2000 has placed much stress on the development of core competencies. The challenges are actually on the how to put ideals into practices. The implementation process has gone out of the right track due to the over- emphasis on the design of the curriculum and school-based assessment. Together with a number of new initiatives such as STEM and “One Belt One Road”, the school curriculum is overly crammed. As a result, the currently packed curriculum suppresses students’ personal growth.
We should introduce a curriculum that can enhance students’ autonomy and broaden their horizon. It would be good to simplify the School-based Assessment process or even eliminate SBA in some subjects. We should focus on allowing students to develop leadership skills through a variety of practical activties, experiential learning in overseas exchange programmes, workplace/intership experience and doing voluntary work instead of mere text book knowledge.

Diverse Abilities and Multiple pathway
An education system that is too rigid will do more harm than good to students who seek diversities nowadays. It is advisable to assess students beyond their academic performance and to provide funding to students who display different interests, abilities and backgrounds. The government should strive to provide flexible and diversified pathways with multiple entry and exit points to secondary school graduates so as to better prepare them to plan for further studies and career paths.

Future Planning
We believe that communication and consensus building are important. We therefore recommend the government to maintain a good dialogue with educational bodies to tap good suggestions and contributions to the development of education. Before 2000, the former Education Department and the Education Commission took up the responsibility of education policy planning, development and actual implementation. However, their roles seem to be fading out. It is extremely important for them to play their roles well and engage in discreet, timely and visionary planning as well as the prudent and conscious implementation of education policies.

“Rome is not built in one day” and the same goes for education development. The contentions over various education provisions help us see more clearly what it takes to nurture students to become independent and respectful individuals who have the ability to contribute to society and our country.



明報 28-2-2018

香港中學校長會對香港教育的期望——寫在2017特首選戰中  English version










我們深信教育質素的核心,在於課程及學習評估的設計。2000年教育改革以發展學生核心能力(core competencies)為主,但在落實至課程及學習評估設計時,卻競逐於課程內容的深度與廣度、校本評核的規範與監察。這數年間,更漸次加入不同的課程要求如STEM(科學、科技、工程和數學)、《基本法》、「一帶一路」等,令中學教育愈趨擠迫。當國際教育趨向是科目整合,將舊有科目框架模糊化,香港卻仍拘泥於通識必修與否、中史獨立與否,將一個又一個人為的學習框架硬套在教育上,我們又如何可以培育能面向國際競爭的新一代?







我們建議大學收生能多考慮學生學業以外的表現,亦建議新政府能增加資助與自資專上教育的學位名額及資助金額,並為不同興趣、能力和背景的學生,開設不同類型的課程及工作機會,靈活地引進多元進出的概念,讓學生因應個人發展需要,能於不同時段離開教育體系(multi-exit points)、重回教育體系(multi-entry points)以及接駁晉升不同升學途徑等。唯有將中學接駁大學的瓶頸位置開闊,教育才有活化的機會。






